If You Chance to Meet a Frown...Smile On!

If you chance to meet a frown,
Do not let it stay.
Quickly turn it upside down
And smile that frown away.

Happiness is a choice? What!?! No way!! But, so and so "made" me feel grumpy just now by yadda yadda. You get the point. Only we have the ultimate choice to react with a smile or a frown. So which one will it be? Well...a SMILE, of course. Did you know that smiling really does make you happier? There have been studies. Paul Ekman, PhD, a psychologist and his partner studied a group of college students to see if they could be happier by simply smiling. They monitored their brain activity each time they smiled whether it was intentional or not and the results were the same. Smiling made them happier. That leads me to my Mommy motto-"Keep Calm and Smile." It really works. I dare you to try it! Next time you are super irritated and find yourself frowning make yourself smile. Best super secret EVER!!!

This is something we teach our children every day. I like being happy. Don't you? If you had a key that unlocked the gate to happiness every time would you use it? I WOULD!! So, there you have it. Your key to happiness is smiling. Who knows with that smile you may exceed your expectation of becoming happier by brightening up someone else's day too. Smiles are contagious after all. Double the smiles, double the fun!

I know that happiness can be obtained in this life. How do I know that? Well, just look at those sweet shining light's of mine! Life is too short to be anything but happy. Sure we have our ups and downs but we always have the choice to be happy or miserable through the storms of life. Quite frankly, I would much rather be happy. I have been debating whether or not to create a blog for some time. I finally decided that if this blog can bring a little warmth and sunshine to just one person it would be worth it. I truly believe we all want to be happy! So here I go. Smile on! Shine on!


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